Path Construction Secures Contract for New Facility at Philip J. Rock Center, Enhancing Support for Visually and Hearing Impaired Students

The Philip J. Rock Center in Glen Ellyn, IL, supports students with hearing and vision impairments, providing a unique residential and educational environment. As the only publicly funded school in the U.S. for Deaf-Blind students, it serves individuals aged 3 to 22, aiming to promote independence based on each student’s abilities. Path Construction has been awarded the contract by the Capital Development Board (CDB) to build a new two-story, 24,665-square-foot facility, including a basement. The new building will feature dormitories, classrooms, after-school activity rooms, two elevators, and an EV Charging Station. The project is divided into three phases: Phase 1 involves demolishing the current playground and constructing the new facility. Phase 2 includes relocating the school to the new building, abating and demolishing the old 60-year-old structure, and maintaining ongoing school operations. Phase 3 focuses on site development, with new utilities, a basketball court, playground, walkways, fencing, and landscaping. The project aims to achieve USGBC LEED V4 Silver Certification. Challenges include constructing the new facility without disrupting the existing school and managing potential winter weather delays. Path Construction has established strong relationships with stakeholders—CDB (owner), LCM (architect), and the Philip J. Rock Center (end-user)—and is dedicated to ensuring a smooth transition and successful project completion.